Our Services

Lunula Laser for fungal nails

Have you tried all the lotions and potions and still have fungus and discolouration in your toenails?

The Lunula Laser is the most effective treatment on the market for fungal nails. The treatment has no side effects and is not painful. The laser has two beams which work to destroy fungal cells and increase blood flow to the nails to stimulate growth.

Comprehensive Fungal Nail Infection Assessment and Laser Treatment

Our podiatrist will assess the severity of your fungal nail infection, prep your nails and start the laser treatment process.

FAQ’s About Fungal Nail Lunula Laser

How long does the laser treatment go for?

Treatment for each foot takes 12 minutes, so 24 minutes total. Usually, 4-8 treatments are required.

Are there any side effects?

Unlike some other fungal nail treatments, the Lunula Laser has no side effects.

What does it feel like?

You may feel some tingling as the blood flow to the feet increases.

Book an Appointment

If you’re looking for an experienced podiatrist to assess your feet and prescribe custom orthotics, contact our team today.