What is nail fungus?
A fungal nail infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of fungi in the toenails. Fungi thrives in a dark, warm and damp environment, hence why the body can produce this infection within socks and shoes. Different types of fungus present in different ways throughout the nail complex. Fungus can transfer between the nail and skin and vice versa.

- Already present in your body but has started to overgrow
- Picked up from another person’s infection – usually around swimming pools, communal showers or treatments where there has been incorrect sterilising methods of instruments
- Poor circulation – more difficult for the body to fight the infection itself
- Nail or skin injury – allows an opening in the barrier for the infection to enter
- Sweaty feet
- Constant sock/shoe use
What does it look like?
A fungal infection may affect 1 or several nails, it may be localised to one small area of the nail or spread throughout the whole nail. Often you will see a change in colour (white or yellow), sometimes the nail can become thickened or brittle and present in an uneven manner. Your podiatrist will be able to differentiate between types of fungi and correct treatment.

The type and severity on the fungus, will determine the treatment course suitable for the eradication of the infection. Common treatments include topical ointments and oral tablet. These however do not have the highest success rates for the more severe infections. In cases where these treatments are not suitable for the patient or type of infection, a laser can be used.
The Lunula Laser produces two wavelengths, one for the treatment of fungus and the other for regeneration of the nail. This pain free treatment has no side effects and can be used whilst taking medication.
A consultation is needed prior, in order to provide the right treatment for you.

We’re here to help!
We invite you to call us at Hampton Podiatry Foot Clinic on (03) 9521 0366 and one of our friendly team will gladly arrange an appointment.
Alternatively, you can book online by clicking the button below.